These smart phones are a big Fitnah, man.
A brother can’t even do the Baaqiyaat Al Saalihaat in peace no more.
As soon as a brother declares “Assalaam Alaikoum …” to terminate the Salah, God forbid the phone be nearby.
Cuz next thing I do is pick it up…to check out what I may have missed out on, which is usually not even important, or scroll thru stuff I’ve already seen.
My goodness!
Sometimes I catch myself in the act, and chide me for not being patient long enough to do my Adhkars…properly and with quality: ie, actually put some thought in the words, and appreciate The Being whose Name and Glory I praise.
And then I cast the phone away…only to pick it up again…and toss it away once more…cuz uh oh, I’m not done yet.
It’s almost like an irresistible compulsion. Some people might say it’s an addiction. May be it is – tsk, it actually is – but, you know, I don’t wanna admit that fact, cuz, you know, I ain’t that weak or vulnerable, he he.
I mean, of course I am, but, you know…again, I’d rather not admit it.
Cheum lakat!
Note to self first – and to you, dear sufferer of the same problem:
If the Masjid isn’t far from your house, leave the phone at home when you head out for congregational prayer. Take your time and complete those adhkaars before you head back home.
If you pray at home, keep the phone as far away as possible, and be committed till you’re done with everything. Keep it in silent mode too, that way no ring or vibration will distract you or attract you to it.
The mind has a way of prickling you to think it’s important. It usually isn’t.
SubhaanAllah, Alhamdou Lillah, Allahu Akbar, Laa ilaaha illaAllah wahdaHu laa shariika laHu, laHu almulk, Wa laHu alhamd, wa Huwa ‘alaa kulli shay-in Qadeer.